Exploring Mobile Robotics: What, Why and How

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Exploring Mobile Robotics: What, Why and How

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What is mobile robotics? You may have heard the terms “intelligent robot” or “autonomous intelligent robot”. This is what we are referring to when we talk about a mobile robot. These robots can be completely autonomous or guided. In everyday life, examples are an automated shuttle bus or even robots designed to do menial tasks in your home. All mobile robots have motors, controllers, and sensors. They also need to be wheeled, legged, or tracked.

Why is Mobile Robotics Important?

WorldSkills Mobile RoboticsIntelligent mobile robots are revolutionizing the world around us. From everyday life to use in industries such as aerospace, mining, agriculture, medicine, and manufacturing – mobile robots are making an impact. They speed up processes and in many cases make them safe. They can take over repetitive tasks. Engineers for these robots strive to design, main, develop, and research applications where robots can solve real-world problems. This could concern matters of safety, efficiency, or quality control.

Mobile Robotics engineers must be familiar with microprocessors, logic, and computer programming. They need to understand and prepare specifications for a robot’s capabilities to complete its tasks. The process starts with a design. Then moves into prototyping where the robot must be programmed and tested. The design is refined and continually tested until it achieves its goals and meets all requirements.

How to Promote this Important Skill?

WorldSkills Mobile RoboticsWorldskills is a movement of change dedicated to improving the lives of young people through the development of skills. They believe that skills can change lives by creating opportunities and connecting societies. Worldskills offers global competitions for 61 different skills including mobile robotics. This falls under the Manufacturing and Engineering Technology category. Part of the upcoming WorldSkills Competition 2022 Special Edition, the WorldSkills Mobile Robotics Competition is scheduled to take place in Bordeaux, France in October.

Studica is a proud Global Partner. The authorizedĀ WorldSkills Mobile Robotics Collection, required to prepare for and compete in the competition, is available exclusively at Studica. This robotics kit features the Titan Motor Controller, Servo Power Block, and the Studica VMX Robotics Controller for WorldSkills. This comprehensive collection also includes a variety of Studica Robotics components including servos, motors, electronics, beams, gears, slides, mounts, U-Channel, and more. Studica Robotics offers a variety of robotics kits for competitions and education.

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